Your Gateway to the BEAM Ecosystem
A network hub for developers, companies, and recruiters to showcase projects, share knowledge, and find the best talent in the BEAM world.
Everything BEAM Related, All in One Place
Devs, Consultants and Companies Profiles, Full-Time and Contractor Jobs, Learning Resources, Case Studies, Libraries, Projects and more...
Devs and Companies using the BEAM with Elixir, Erlang and Gleam.
Jobs Opportunities
Concise Job specs without the fluff and only with what it matters.
Connect, Follow, and rate Devs and Companies
Connect, Learn, Build and Share
Join a network where developers and companies using Elixir, Erlang, Gleam, and more come together to share experiences, build and grow the BEAM ecosystem.
Connect or Follow:
- Developers
- Companies
- Consultants
- Recruiters
Learn from:
- Mentors
- Workshops
- Courses
- Books
Alone or Together:
- Products
- Portfolio Showcase
- Open-Source Projects
- Learning Resources
- Knowlodge
- Resources
- Portfolios
- Products
Giving back to the BEAM Ecosystem
10% of the annual profits will be used to sponsor Open Source BEAM projects
Everyone else can also sponsor this program with monetary or time contributions
Individual members are welcome to contribute to the sponsorship program.
You will be able to:
- Vote on the projects to be sponsored
- Make monthly contributions
- Make one-off contributions
- Contribute with your time
It's your moral duty
Support the software you use for free to run your business.
Everything individulas can do, plus:
- Select specific projects to sponsor
- Allocate infra resources to projects
- Contribute to project maintainers salary
Get rewarded for your open-source contributions.
You can apply as:
- Full-time maintainer
- Regular maintainer
- New maintainer
Let me know when it's ready
Become an Alpha and Beta tester and enjoy rewards and discounts for life.